A professional writer who knows business.
A business professional who can write.





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I've been fortunate to have my work featured in many "Resume" and "Cover Letter" books, where hundreds of resume writers submit a few samples and the authors compile the best examples.  I've shared some of the examples and case studies on my site. However, some things to note:


·         I don't have a "style": all of my resumes look really different, from the format, the words, the wording, the layout, etc. It's all based on the client's history, challenges with their qualifications and what they are trying to do.

·         To simply "look" at a resume that someone wrote tells you nothing without the whole analysis. Which is why resume books aren't really helpful. Each resume has a strategy designed for the client, and it is not obvious to the casual reader.

For you to really understand the resume, I’d have tell you the whole story about why it is the way it is, why certain choices were made to overcome certain problems.....and then it would be completely different from your situation! Most likely your resume will look nothing like it.

·         I limit the samples I share because too many unscrupulous people try to simply "copy" the hard work excellent resume writers do and are not willing to pay for customized service. I get people asking for free advice all the time. It's like asking an architect to mail you copies of his best blueprints.





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